$ORIGIN example.com. @ SOA server.example.com. hostmaster.example.com. ( 1995032001 3600 3600 604800 86400 ) NS server.example.com. NS ns1.ip-provider.net. NS ns2.ip-provider.net. ; foobar - use old-slow-box or new-fast-box if either is ; available, make three quarters of the logins go to ; new-fast-box. _foobar._tcp SRV 0 1 9 old-slow-box.example.com. SRV 0 3 9 new-fast-box.example.com. ; if neither old-slow-box or new-fast-box is up, switch to ; using the sysdmin's box and the server SRV 1 0 9 sysadmins-box.example.com. SRV 1 0 9 server.example.com. server A old-slow-box A sysadmins-box A new-fast-box A ; NO other services are supported *._tcp SRV 0 0 0 . *._udp SRV 0 0 0 .